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Julia's passion for healing and genuine concern for her clients is undeniable. She took the time to thoroughly research and design an easy to follow health plan for me and my circumstances.


My husband and I had been trying to conceive for 8 months without any success and I was starting to believe it wouldn't happen for us. I met with Julia and after a thorough consult, she explained the root cause of my hormone imbalances in a way that made perfect sense to me. Knowing why kept me motivated to follow her program to a T. I truly believe her advice was a huge factor in helping us to conceive because I very quickly (within about 2 weeks) started to feel the other benefits of her hormone balancing detox program - more energy, balanced mood, clearer skin and a normal menstrual period. And about a month afterwards, we found out we were expecting!


Within the first month of pregnancy I was experiencing constant nausea and hunger even though I was already taking a prenatal multivitamin. I was nauseous when I was hungry (about every half hour) and I was nauseous after eating, I was getting no relief. So I shared this with Julia. Immediately following her advice, my nausea and frequent hunger were relieved! I have had a healthy and relatively easy pregnancy following her nutritional advice and I'm due in six weeks! I can not thank you enough Julia!

Shenise D.

Over the past five years I have suffered from constant fatigue, headaches, low mood, irritability and weight gain.  To top things off, I was diagnosed with Estrogen Dominance and three very large uterine fibroids, which were causing very heavy periods.  Feeling depressed and a little scared, I did not understand where all these health issues were coming from as I had always been a fairly healthy individual (or at least I thought I was).  Thankfully, I came across Julia’s personal story on Facebook. Her story and symptoms sounded so familiar that I had to reach out to see if she could help me.  This was the best decision I have ever made with regards to my health.  In the four short months I have been working with Julia I feel like I have regained my life.  Through nutritional counselling, appropriate supplements and the incorporation of relaxation practices, I no longer suffer from fatigue or the debilitating symptoms I was living with.  I have learned so much about nutritionally feeding my body, how hormone imbalances can wreak havoc in our bodies and things I can do to help correct these imbalances.  I am in my early 40’s and now feel better than I ever have.  My energy levels have improved so much that I now belong to a local running club and run over 25km a week.  I still have the fibroids, however, with the nutritional changes and supplements recommended by Julia, I hardly even notice them and I no longer worry about a looming hysterectomy.  I am forever grateful to Julia, seeking her services has benefited my health and wellbeing beyond any expectations I had.


Julie Will

In 2017, I started having back pain that no matter what I tried (chiropractor, physio, osteopathy, multiple doctor's visits), the pain would not go away. In 2018, I started seeing Julia and she helped me find the root cause of my problems- stress. I was in a vortex where pain caused stress and stress caused pain. 


Julia put me on a program to start eating healthier and start managing my stress and anxiety.  She has all kinds of amazing knowledge and recipes that with time and patience, put me on a path to recovery. I ended up combining Julia's treatment with other treatments such as acupuncture, core strengthening and yoga. 


In 2019, I am feeling as close to 100% as I have felt in 2.5 years.  I still deal with anxiety, but because of Julia, I know exactly how to manage it and it always gets better.  I'm back to being my happy and optimistic self and I couldn't have done it without Julia.  She really cares, she really listens and she really knows what she's doing!


Sandy Van Dijk 

In 2008 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and three years ago I went through a major stressful event and began gaining weight uncontrollably no matter what I tried. 


When I learned of Intuit Health’s Thyroid Restoration Program, I welcomed the idea of the support and accountability of a group even if I didn’t learn anything new! I was pleasantly surprised by how much I actually did consistently learn at every class about physiology and why things I tried in the past didn’t work and what actually would work for me. I am finally losing weight and starting to feel more healthy and energetic.


Julia breaks down the information and makes it so much easier for us to understand what to do and how to do it - it’s just up to us to take that information and consistently implement it.


Julia is genuine, compassionate and goes above and beyond. I will forever be grateful to her for so many reasons, but the most significant to me is that I spent all of my 20s being sick and now am on the right path to be thriving in my 30s!

I would highly recommend the Thyroid Restoration Program to anyone with thyroid issues, and I would recommend Intuit Health to anyone looking to improve their health!


Nicole Tymchak

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